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New guide by Martina Effmert:

“My child has
an eating disorder"

Discover the book in the Amazon shop.

In my book, I offer you immediately implementable strategies and practical tips to effectively support your child with eating disorders such as anorexia, bulimia, binge eating, grazing and emetophobia .

One fifth of all 11 to 17 year old children and adolescents have disordered eating, with girls affected almost twice as often as boys. Discover the world of eating disorders to better understand your child and yourself.

This guide will help you accompany your child on the path to a healthy relationship with food and with themselves.

Author Martina Effmert with her book My Child Has an Eating Disorder
Autorin Martina Effmert mit ihrem Buch mein Kind hat eine Essstörung

Neuer Ratgeber von Martina Effmert
"Mein kind hat eine Essstörung" 

In meinem Buch biete ich dir sofort umsetzbare Strategien und praktische Tipps, um dein Kind wirksam bei Essstörungen wie Magersucht, Bulimie, Binge Eating, Grazing und Emetophobie zu unterstützen.

Ein Fünftel aller 11- bis 17- jährigen Kinder und Jugendlichen haben ein gestörtes Essverhalten, wobei Mädchen fast doppelt so oft betroffen sind wie Jungen. Entdecke die Welt der Essstörungen, um dein Kind und dich selbst besser zu verstehen.

Der Ratgeber hilft dir, dein Kind auf dem Weg zu einer gesunden Beziehung zum Essen und zu sich selbst zu begleiten.

Discover the book in the Amazon shop
Book by Martina Effmert with title My Child Has an Eating Disorder
Discover the book in the Amazon shop

Recognize and understand eating disorders and help your child immediately

This guide provides you with important information about whether your child might have an eating disorder. The book helps you to understand the various causes and to act appropriately.

Häufige Essstörungen bei Kindern

  • Magersucht (Anorexie): starkes Untergewicht und verzerrte Körperwahrnehmung

  • Bulimie (Ess-Brech-Sucht): Essattacken gefolgt von Erbrechen oder übermäßigem Sport

  • Binge-Eating-Störung: wiederholtes übermäßiges Essen ohne anschließendes Erbrechen

  • Grazing: ständiges Snacken, oft ohne Hunger über den Tag verteilt

  • Emetophobie: Angst vor dem Erbrechen, die das Essverhalten beeinflusst

Das Buch kannst du jetzt vorbestellen

An e-book reader shows the title page of the book My Child Has an Eating Disorder by the author Martina Effmert
  • Erscheinungstermin: 26.09.2024

  • Erhältlich als 192-seitige Taschenbuch oder als Kindle bei Amazon under der ISBN 978-3-8426-1756-8

  • Herausgeber: Humboldt

  • Verfügbar in jeder Buchhandlung vor Ort oder online bei Amazon, Thalia, und viele mehr. 

  • Sichere dir dein Exemplar heute für 22,00 € (Deutschland), 22,70 € (Österreich). 

Martina Effmert's new book My child has an eating disorder
Discover the book in the Amazon shop
Discover the book in the Amazon shop

What this guide offers you:
a guide for parents

In my new book, you will learn everything about the complexity of eating disorders - from biological factors to social circumstances. You will learn how to recognize changes in your children's eating behavior early on and how to deal with them in order to avoid long-term consequences.

Discover how to identify and understand signs of a possible eating disorder. I'll show you how to get professional help if you need it.

This book prepares you to take action and offer help to your child. You will receive clear tips and action strategies to master difficult situations and create a supportive environment in your home.

Real Help for Eating Disorders

As a parent, you are often the first person to notice when your child is behaving differently than usual. They may refuse to eat out with other family members or suddenly refuse their favorite foods. Or you may notice supplies disappearing. All of these behavioral changes could be a sign that your child has an eating disorder, which can be very unsettling for you as a parent.

#1 Bei Essstörungen geht es um mehr als essen

Essstörungen sind nicht auf einen einzigen Faktor zurückzuführen, sie entstehen aus einem komplexen Zusammenspiel verschiedener Einflüsse aus biologischen, psychologischen und sozialen Aspekten. Das macht sie unter anderem so kompliziert.

#2 Körperbild und Körperschema

Körperbild und Körperschema sind ein wichtiger Bestandteil von Essstörungen. Betroffene Kinder und Jugendliche haben fast alle eine verzerrte Wahrnehmung ihres eigenen Körpers – sie halten sich für zu dick oder unattraktiv, selbst wenn das nicht der Fall ist.

#3 So verhält du dich richtig!

Es ist sicher schwer für dich, dabei zuzusehen, wie dein Kind leidet, und nicht zu wissen, wie du helfen kannst. Aber es gibt Schritte, die du unternehmen kannst, um dein Kind bestmöglich zu unterstützen. Wie genau kannst du dich also verhalten?

Practical tips for you and your child

In my guide you will find helpful and practical tips. I have developed 5 golden rules that will help you in dealing with your child - regardless of the type of eating disorder. In the course of this book you will learn about specific approaches and measures for underweight and anorexia, grazing and binge eating as well as bulimia. I will also show you concrete steps that you can take to actively support your child.

A collage of three books with the book title My Child Has an Eating Disorder by the author Martina Effmert
A stack of four books from My Child Has an Eating Disorder by the author Martina Effmert
  • Discover alternative treatment strategies: Learn about different approaches to effectively address eating disorders.

  • Promote appropriate behavior: You will receive support to react correctly in difficult situations with your child.

  • Develop healthy strategies: Find ways to sensitively deal with your child’s feelings.

  • Dealing with Eating and Mealtime Issues: Get valuable tips on how to have difficult conversations about food and meals.

  • Reduce conflict and stress: Discover methods to relax the atmosphere at mealtimes and avoid conflict.

  • Overcoming mealtime fears: Help your child recognize and overcome fears surrounding food.

  • Offer concrete support: Get practical strategies, tips and suggestions to help your child effectively.

Author Martina Effmert presents her book My Child Has an Eating Disorder

About the author

Martina Effmert is an experienced alternative practitioner for psychotherapy and hypnotherapist. Her particular expertise lies in the treatment of fears, traumas and the resulting eating disorders. In her popular podcast "Life without Fear" she speaks to parents and young people who suffer from anxiety and eating disorders. Martina Effmert lives in Düsseldorf, she has two adult children and four grandchildren.

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